虛擬藝術跨界實驗基地(VA Hub)落成於2020年,由在地實驗(ET@T)經營,是沉浸式藝術的科技跨界實踐的孵化基地。VA Hub佔地287坪,有展演空間、直播間與綠棚,另有進駐單位固態記憶、移動故事屋、匿光科技、馬克製造。
VA Hub, launched in 2020, is a base located in Taipei city center operated by ET@T for incubating the practice of immersive arts. VA Hub is the biggest techno-art space run by private art company in Taiwan. The hub includes exhibition/performing space, 3D scanning green screen studio, video live streaming studio, meeting rooms and maker space. Besides, techno-art related teams incubated by Digital Art Foundation such as Solid Memory, Telling Tent, HiLIGHT Tech and Mark’s Fabrication, are also stationed in VA Hub.