AYAHUASCA - The Shamanic Exhibition
2020/07/17 (Fri.) - 2020/10/11 (Sun.)

《迷幻死藤水》由備受讚譽的導演尚庫南(Jan Kounen)執導,以VR重現實境的潛力,呈現服用死藤水的迷幻經驗。死藤水由藥用植物熬煮而成,廣泛用於亞馬遜流域西皮波族(Shipibo tribe)的儀式當中。


In Ayahuasca – Kosmik Journey, acclaimed film director Jan Kounen explores the potential of using Virtual Reality to represent the psychedelic experience of Ayahuasca, a brew used in rituals by the Shipibo tribe of the Amazon. 

Ayahuasca – The Shamanic Exhibition features different elements to learn about this ceremony with the VR experience by Jan Kounen as the centerpiece. Can immersive technology approach experiences like Ayahuasca and alter our sense of reality?

導演 / 尚庫南
Director / Jan Kounen

集導演、製片、編劇一身,荷裔法籍的導演尚庫南於1996年完成首支劇情長片《太保密碼》。 之後,尚庫南前往墨西哥和秘魯旅行,將自己沉浸在中美洲的文化當中,而這段旅程也成為尚庫南在2004年拍攝的《西部幽靈》(Blueberry)的靈感來源;同年,他也持續潛心研究南美洲的薩滿文化,並製作了紀錄片《他境》(Other Worlds)。2009年,他執導的電影《香奈兒的秘密》,獲坎城影展選為當屆閉幕片。尚庫南近年致力於製作虛擬實境的影像創作,VR作品《迷幻死藤水》、《七生》與《-22.7°C》接受到國際影展好評。 

Director, screenwriter and producer of Dutch origin. In 1996, Jan Kounen made his first feature film, Dobermann, after which he travelled across Mexico and Peru, where he immersed in shaman culture and returned in 2004 with the western Blueberry. The same year, he continued his study of shamanism with the documentary Other Worlds.  In 2009, he directed Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky, which made the closing of the Cannes. Recently he has developed three VR projects: 7 Lives, Ayahuasca and -22.7°C.

Credit List



VR執導創作  |尚庫南

製作公司 |Atlas V、a_ Bahn、Small

獎助單位 |盧森堡國家電影基金、法國國家電影中心、巴黎市政廳、Pictanovo


Ayahuasca – Kosmik Journey

A virtual reality experience by | Jan Kounen

Produced by|Atlas V、a_ Bahn、Small

With the support of Film Fund|Luxembourg Film Fund、CNC、Mairie de Paris、Pictanovo





展覽內容製作 |Diversion Cinéma

特別感謝 |Shamans Films、Asomashk – Asociación Medicos Ancestrales Shipibo Conibo

展覽主辦 財團法人數位藝術基金會

展覽策劃 |在地實驗 ET@T

展覽統籌 |吳伯山 


Ayahuasca – The Shamanic Exhibition

An exhibition produced by|Diversion Cinéma

Special Thanks|Shamans Films、Asomashk – Asociación Medicos Ancestrales Shipibo Conibo

Organized byDigital Art Foundation

Executed by|ET@T

Exhibition Programmer|Wu Po-Shan